Winery Members in the New Hampshire Winery Association
Exploring Wineries in the Live Free State of Wine
Welcome to the New Hampshire wine country. Visiting wineries makes for great road trips. As you navigate the six distinct tourist regions, with member wineries and vineyards, you will find wineries that make a large variety of wines, as well as vineyards growing diverse varietals perfect for making wine in New Hampshire. Our member wineries each have their own character and distinctive setting. Experience the beautiful ocean scenery, mountain streams, rivers, tranquil pastures, rural farms, crystal clear lakes, mountains, and valleys with grape vineyards, apple orchards and berry fields.
Enjoy the day, or several, on the road experiencing the 17 wineries and vineyards that make up the New Hampshire Winery Association (NHWA). You can try award winning grape and fruit wines, including cider and mead at local wineries.
If you know where you are heading click on the winery below to learn more about the winery – location, hours, wines, and additional offerings.
If you want to learn more about one of the six regions, that have member wineries, and what wineries are located within that region click on the map's regions, to the right. You will be able to learn more about other things to do and explore while you are in that region.
White Mountains
Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee
Black Bear Vineyard
Whippletree Winery
The Summit Winery
Merrimack Valley
Averill House Vineyard
LaBelle Winery
Flag Hill Winery
& Distillery
Squamscott Vineyard & Winery
Sweet Baby Vineyard
Zorvino Vineyards
Great North